Saturday, July 29, 2006

Caxaru Returns...


Thanks to the encouragement of my friends at Gardjola I've finally decided to revive my old blog. During these 5 months I had occasionally posted comments (sometimes rather longish ones) on Gardjola under this pseudonym, and I will eventually either reproduce those on this site or establish links to them. Of course, the link to Gardjola's homepage has been available on this site since February.

So many things have happened since February both in my own life and career and, more importantly, in the wider world. The Danish cartoons crisis, which was all the rage then, has since been almost forgotten. In the meantime, the Middle East is once again in flames and Malta is struggling to deal with what is likely to be one of the highest yearly influxes of illegal immigants ever. There is certainly no shortage of issues begging for comment...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back Piet! really nice you have your voice on the airwaves once again.

I like the idea of publishing the comments you wrote on Gardjola here. They are certainly some of the best contributions we ever saw. They deserve the widest circulation possible.

7:47 PM  
Blogger Fausto Majistral said...

Good to see you back. Especially one of the same polical pezza!

11:12 AM  

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