Friday, August 04, 2006

A Children's Crusade

News from the Middle East may be bleak, but we have good reason to hope! A 'peace vigil' is being organized by left-wing NGOs and political youth groups this evening at Għar id-Dud. Second-rate poetry will be read by the (very serious-looking) poets themselves, propaganda films will be shown, kefiyyehs will be proudly worn and Israel will be roundly condemned. Everyone will feel united and morally superior to the rest of the world (that is too corrupt and too stupid to understand them).
Well, ok kids, have fun! Just try not to get stuck in that rut for too long. It looks cute when you're doing that stuff in your teens but a bit less so when you're over 30 :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it that you won't be attending then :-)

5:54 PM  
Blogger Pietru Caxaru said...

Yeah, I think i'll give it a miss just this once! :)

6:02 PM  

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